Development and validation of a cheap portable device to perform hyperspectral imaging of plasmatic membrane lipid content in hematic cells
Salute 4.0: innovative systems for de-hospitalization, independent living and well-being

The hyperspectral imaging to the membrane blood cells, as tool to discriminate between physiological and pathological conditions (inflammation, dysmetabolism, oncologic diseases and neurologic diseases). In particular, it will be applied to analyze the phospholipid pattern starting from a single whole blood drop.

The portable device will be located at the assistant care patient point. It will provide home care solutions.
Diagnostic application will be, mostly, focused on those pathologies with very high social impact such as Alzheimer's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and Diabetes.

BiophotOmics is a multidisciplinary project, which also includes the biomedical production area. It is founded by “Bando per progetti di ricercara industriale strategica rivolti agli ambiti prioritari della strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente” (azione 1.2.2 Asse I POR-FESR Emilia- Romagna 2014-2020).